Вчера дочитал интервью с моими пацанами и долго ржал с того,что этот гениальный занавес на презентации второго альбома они нарисовали сами 2го вечером на базе...впрочем, по нему видно было))) я как представил себе эту картину,проржаться не мог.
Мальчики, пожалуйста,оставайтесь такими же открытыми, простыми звездочками!!!
А еще наш "работник месяца" готовит нам новое видео и судя по всему это будет что-то невероятное:
Joel: It’s going to be very different from what we did in our other music videos. We’ve done enough of those play-through music videos.
Jani: So, this time there will be no instruments whatsoever. (laughs)
Joel: People will see us for who we really are in this video. Because they may not entirely realize we’re the kind of tongue-in-cheek persons we are. There hasn’t been any humor in our music videos, but we are actually really funny people. So, people haven’t seen that side of us, but they are going to!
Jani: That’s been really something that we wanted all to break free from!
Ну и да, я помню этот момент,когда я схватился за сердце и написал Хане, спросил, в порядке ли волосы после такого. Ханю такая забота нехило рассмешила, а я грозился в случае чего устроить во Франкфурте "beat not only the drummer day" и разобраться с Йоэлом за его гениальные идеи.
Joel: And I tell them to do ridiculous stuff often. Like for example during “Harder To Breathe” I thought it’d look cool to make the guys white in one part. No one even questioned me about it. Only after they had to wash it away, it didn’t go off at first. It took at least one hour (laughs). Hands and hair. They tried with soap, but it didn’t quite work. And the worst was that it was the first take (laughs). The first thing we actually shot.
Ну и с чего я еще проржался, это вот с этого. Пацанов реально не волнует, если ли кто рядом, нет ли кого, сколько раз они на сцене друг в друга врезаются, когда носятся как электровеники. А с Аной это идея)))
Joel: Actually, we have this one video, it’s not online, but it’s in our archives, where there is this one moment where I jump from my monitor with my bass. I have my bass up in the air, but as I jump I’m dropping it forcefully. It would have been close to a really clean execution if it had been an ax. The neck of my bass went so close to Miki’s head. I really would have knocked him out, if it had hit him. Luckily, it didn’t. Usually, there’s a lot of close calls. I’ve bumped Miki down once at the shows and he fell on his ass. Yeah, I’ve given him some hard times. But Hannes is also kicking my bass and me as well. The only one that is safe is Ana (laughs). I’m waiting for the moment… Wait, no I’m actually not waiting, but more like thinking that there might be a time when he stands on his drum stool and falls down from his riser. That hasn’t happened yet, but he does it at every show. All it really needs is a really windy festival show outdoors and the wind would knock him down, so he’d fall two meters from his riser.
Ну и про животных опять, та же фишка, как с Аной и Ханей. Почему никто в упор не видит в Ханнесе кота?!Он же даже мурлыкает!!!А где вы видели мурлыкающего детеныша шимпанзе?!!!
Joel: Oh damn! (laughs) That’s really a hard question. Well… It’s not technically an animal, or maybe it is, at least it’s called “Animal”, it’s the drummer from Muppet Show. That’s Ana.
Jani: To me, Ana is actually a dog.
Joel: I was the dog.
Jani: Well, but not in this round! (laughs)
Joel: You’re a manatee. Because you’re a smooth sailing person, but kind of aggressive as well. (laughs) Miki was considered an owl and that is a fact. If I remember correctly. I wouldn’t change that. (laughs)
Jani: Me neither (laughs) What about Hannes?
Hannes identified with a hummingbird.
Joel: We need an animal that is really over-enthusiastic about everything and at the same time, not the sharpest of them all. One that’s really lovable and nice. So, what would that be?
A puppy?
Joel: Probably yes (laughs) A puppy dog!
Jani: Or a chimpanzee baby! (laughs)
Joel: Yes! A chimpanzee baby! (laughs) Who else? Oh… Me? I have no idea.
Jani: Well, you can decide for us.
Me? But you already agreed that you are a dog?
Joel: I could be a dog.
Jani: Isn’t everyone a dog inside? (laughs)
Joel: Let’s keep it that way. They probably know better than I do. And you’re a manatee now, not a lion. (laughs)
В общем, вот вам этот зверополис, я ушел работать...