Неоновые Огни - Glam Metal / Sleaze / Glam Punk
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У бывшего вокалиста H.E.A.T. рак крови!
Экс-голос шведских рокеров H.E.A.T. Эрик Грёнваль только что ошарашил всех последними новостями: у него лейкемия и он уже 3 недели в больнице.
It’s time to let this one out in the open. I will try to make a long story as short as possible. ⠀⠀
I am currently spending day 22 at the hospital in Sweden. About a month ago I was full of energy, capable of doing everything I normally do, business as usual.⠀⠀
But then it appeared from nowhere. I started feeling exhausted, I had no energy to perform the simplest tasks and it was like I had run a marathon when I was just literally walking my dog for five minutes. Something wasn’t right. So I took a few blood tests and... fast forward... now it’s the third week of my treatment against acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). ⠀⠀
In medical terms this means that my bone marrow generates immature blood cells, rather than mature ones.⠀⠀
Now. First and foremost. I am extremely privileged and grateful to live at a day and age where a disease like this is curable. There’s been so much progress made in this field. My body is reacting well to the treatment but it’s a long treatment and it’s going to be the toughest challenge of my life so far, for me and my family. Mentally and physically. ⠀⠀
I have thought a lot about how to deal with this - both publicly and privately - and have decided to be completely transparent about it. During the treatment there will be good days and there will be bad days but I think it’s important that we can talk about, share and show our weak sides and bad days as well. After all life isn’t always a super filter fluffy social media world. No Instagram filter can beautify this. ⠀⠀
We don’t always get to choose what happens to us, life is a lottery, but we can choose how we react to it. Well… at least do our best to choose how. I am not promising frequent updates but when I do you will be seeing a new side of me if you stick around here. A more transparent side I assume. ⠀⠀
If you want to be supportive just focus on HEALTH empowerment. I don’t believe in fighting fire with fire, let’s use water instead. Let’s understand it and cure it. ⠀⠀
Final note. I am doing well given the circumstances and I’m ready to tackle this challenge the best I can. As you can see in the picture I decided to shave my hair to control what I can.